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Fresh & Clean


First critical first step to ensure broadband infrastructure and its applications are recognized as a community need. Policy 101 dictates that an agreement on the problem must exist before discussing potential solutions. Awareness helps communities be on the same page.

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Fresh & Clean

Access & Availability

Broadband infrastructure needs to be available and affordable to any household or business that wishes to subscribe. Accessibility can be addressed by deploying multiple broadband technologies and affordability should always be part of the equation.

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Adoption & Utilization

Once the technology is available and affordable, do businesses and homes subscribe to it? This is defined as adoption. Utilization refers to maximizing the technology’s potential by using it in different ways increasing quality of life.

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Policy & Evaluation

How can broadband infrastructure be deployed cost-effectively? What is considered broadband? Did the broadband footprint increase? Did adoption increase? What educational/planning resources were more effective?

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Easy To Customize

Digital Skill Building and Digital Volunteer Initiative

Broadband infrastructure is expected to expand rapidly over the next few years but will only be effective if people have the digital skills they need. Extension is well positioned to provide such training, yet capacity building is necessary. Based on a national survey of digital skill needs, a set of lessons were developed for each skill and a Digital Volunteer Initiative was shaped to help support Extension efforts.

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