APLU member Universities Contribute to Knowledge about What Works for Rural Broadband Access
A recently published Theme issue of the Journal Choices features faculty from APLU member universities and describes how they are working in their communities to expand access to rural broadband, evaluate broadband efforts, and scale approaches that work. The publication, entitled “Making it Count: Applying Science to Support Universal Broadband” was edited by APLU Strategic Advisor for Economic and Community Development Sheila Martin. It includes articles from faculty of APLU member universities including Oklahoma State University, Washington State University, Purdue University, University of Missouri, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Georgia Tech, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Clemson University, and Penn State University.
Bridging the Digital Divide in Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Communities in the South Individual Digital Capital Survey Results
Recently a survey was conducted to better understand digital disparities among socio-economically disadvantaged groups in the South. To learn more about this project visit the Bridging the Digital Divide landing page and findings from the survey, see the final report.
Southern Region Indicators: Standard and COVID-19 Impacts
Each year, indicators are collected from states in the Southern Region to show the collective impact of Extension community development programs. The collected and compiled highlights show the jobs created, grants awarded, plans new and revised for community development, and networking connections made throughout the previous year. Short vignettes also provide insights behind the metrics. In addition to this report, states also provided COVID-19 response impacts to show how each has continued to navigate through the challenges of the pandemic.